Manon Brouillette has been President and CEO of Videotron, which includes Videotron Business, Vidéotron Le Superclub, 4Degrees Data Centers and Fibrenoire. Since joining the organization in 2004, she has earned recognition as a team-building leader with strong business instincts and acute strategic vision. With her team of 6,500 talented employees, Manon pursues Videotron’s mission of providing Quebecers with the best possible telecommunications and entertainment experience.
Manon Brouillette graduated from Université Laval with a bachelor’s degree in communications and marketing. She received the university’s distinguished alumnus award in 2013. Manon has also completed the University of Western Ontario’s Ivey Executive Program. Up until October 2017, Manon was on the board of SFR in Europe. She now sits on the boards of Altice USA and the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS). She is also Executive Vice-Chair on the board of the Quartier de l’innovation in Montréal.
The many awards and distinctions Manon has received in the course of her career include the Stratège prize from the Association des professionnels de la communication et du marketing (2006), the Growth Award from the Cable and Telecommunications Association for Marketing (2007), the Gloire de l’Escolle Medal Université Laval alumnus award (2013), the Germaine‑Gibara Leadership award from the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (2014), inclusion in the Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 list (2014, 2016) and the Private Sector Executive award from the Réseau des Femmes d’affaires du Québec (2016).