Rendez-vous avec nos PDG

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Location Montréal

Neil Cunningham

President and Chief Executive Officer
PSP Investments

Rendez-vous with Neil Cunningham


Neil Cunningham
President and Chief Executive Officer
PSP Investments




Event of May 3, 2021


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PSP Investments, one of Canada’s largest public-sector pension funds, views the global business landscape through a wide international lens, investing over $170 billion across over 85 countries and 100 industry sectors around the globe.

In a fast-moving and increasingly volatile world, PSP Investments builds on its experience as an agile and sought-after institutional investor to continue to safeguard the pensions of contributors and beneficiaries who dedicate their professional lives to public service.

Join us for a fireside chat with Neil Cunningham, President and CEO at PSP Investments, as we discuss:

-The importance of public sector pensions in Canada and the new opportunity in long-term value creation

-How COVID-19 is shaping the landscape for long-term investors: spotting the edge in the storm of market conditions while leading global investment teams and managing change in a WFH environment.

-The role of institutional investors in engaging leaders across business, government and civil society in the movement to make capitalism more equitable, sustainable, and inclusive.



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