Rendez-vous avec nos PDG

Replay - Event May 24, 2022

Location Centre Sheraton de Montréal

Jonathan Ferrari

Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO 

Rendez-vous with Jonathan Ferrari


Jonathan Ferrari
Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO



Jonathan Ferrari, Goodfood CEO, presents on the Canadian company overall growth and evolution since its origin. Since the company has expanded to over 3 million in annual sales, the presentation focus on Goodfood's trajectory within the industry focused on redefining shopping and grocery habits for Canadians, including:
•    Goodfood’s continued innovation to meet consumer demand and evolve to become today’s modern grocer;
•    the unique processes/innovative tools in place to support delivering groceries as today's leading modern grocer; 
•    and the technology that enables streamlined and optimized operations to support and maintain a customer-centric focus and increase profitability. 


Event of May 24, 2022


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